Passionate Care

Passionate Care

Hi, my name is Raul. I now oversee Passionate Care Stethoscopes and with 23 years of Critical Care experience you can bet that I would ONLY place something in your hands that would come through in every situation that I lived through as a nurse, and more.

Finding Dory Special Limited Edition School Kids Lunchbox from the Disney Pixar Movie. 2016

Limited Edition Finding Dory Lunchbox, Characters on both sides and made with beautiful premium material. Pictures make you smile and this one has lots of them! You will experience an explosive jolt of pure joy as you see your child gaze on this colorful doubesided lunch box for the first time. They will with a bewildered and hopful look ask you if this is for them. They will then clutch the lunchbox tightly to their chest only to release it for the briefest of moments, long enough to give you the same tight squeez as the repeatedly utter,"Thank you, Thank You, Thank You" Be their Hero! You have seen the 2016 finding Dory Movie or perhaps just the official trailer, either way this is your chance to check out Dory, Nemo, Marlin, Hank, Destiny, Bailey, and Mr. Ray. Surprise you child with this colorful double sided lunch box worthy of a collector. Front runner to be the hottest and hardest to find back to school item. Youtube Channel #FindingDory #FindingNemo #Disneypixar #Dory #Nemo #Marlin #Hank #Destiny #Bailey #Jenny #Mr.Ray #Crush

Passionate Care Stethoscopes

Hi, my name is Raul. I now oversee Passionate Care Stethoscopes and with 23 years of Critical Care experience you can bet that I would ONLY place something in your hands that would come through in every situation that I lived through as a nurse, and more.

Here at Passionate Care, we know what it is like to be asked what the patients vital signs are and how important it is to get it right. We know what it is like to NEED to know if the patients lungs are clear or not because the patients treatment will depend on our answer. We also know that with our Passionate Care stethoscopes we are able to give our assessment answers with confidence because we can hear clearly, and so will you.